dBproject - Calculation and Structural Analysis
Calculation, numerical analysis and verification of strength and stability of mechanical structures and steel structures
Calculation and Structural Analysis
The analysis and calculation of structures is an articulated activity with multiple sectoral applications, in the civil and industrial fields.
There is no civil or industrial construction that somehow involves the structural aspect, in general, and that of steel structures, in particular. In Italy the adoption of steel structures for the residential sector and often also industrial (warehouse) is still secondary compared to countries such as the United States and Japan, but certainly in a phase of expansion.
The use of steel structures for plant engineering applications is widespread: crossings, pipe-racks, support pylons, etc.
With the new Technical Standards for Construction (NTC 2008) - then taken over by the more recent NTC 2018 - the use of the semi-probabilistic verification method at Limit States has become mandatory in Italy
except in the case of type 1 and 2 constructions and use class I and II, situated within seismic zone 4, for which the method of verification at allowable stresses is still permitted, as referred in the DM LL.PP: 14.02.92 for steel and concrete structures.
The Eurocodes (http://eurocodes.jrc.ec.europa.eu/) are a series of ten European standards, EN 1990 – EN 1999, which aim to provide a common approach to building and civil design, in general, in addition construction products. They are the recommended means of compliance with the Construction Products Directive on which to affix the CE mark. The Eurocodes adopt the semi-probabilistic verification method at Limit States.
With Decree of 31 July 2012, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport approved the national appendices containing the technical parameters for the application of the Eurocodes (GU n. 73 of 27-3-2013 – Ordinary Supplement n. 21).
The construction standard adopted overseas (and not only) published by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) in the last edition of June 2010 of its "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings" (ANSI/AISC 360 10) adopts the principle of Limit states, recognizing that structural integrity testing may be based on nominal strength rather than load and resistance factor design (LRFD) or allowable resistence design (ASD). Each methodology corresponds to a method of combining the loads and a method of calculating the required resistence. The two methods walk in parallel with equal dignity. This standard does not provide load combinations and refers to applicable building codes (applicable building code, section B2, page 254). When regolation is lacking (local, regional or national) rated loads, load factors and load combinations are to be taken from the ASCE/SEI 7-2010 standard.
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